Supreme New York

When it comes to lifestyle brands and skateboarding, Supreme is one of the most recognized and respected names in the industry. Born of the streets of New York City in 1994 by founder and owner James Jebbia, Supreme’s authenticity and undeniable cool factor has lent it the brand equity to work with such famous (and infamous) artists as Terry Richardson, Kaws and Rammellzee to create awesome pieces of apparel and artwork.

In 2010 Supreme dove into the archives of those collaborations and brought to light some never-before-seen work in its first ever monograph. 12ozCollective had the unique privilege to assist in photographing some of Supreme’s exclusive collection of art and paraphernalia, giving fan boys and girls a peak behind the curtain.

Book Details: Publisher: Rizzoli, Hardcover: 304 pages, ISBN-10: 0847833119, ISBN-13: 78-0847833115

Top: Behind the scenes at the 12ozProphet studio – Kaws / Terry Richardson and Kate Moss for Supreme.
Bottom: Behind the scenes at 12ozProphet Studio – Mark Gonzales for Supreme New York.

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